🐵🍪 How to subscribe/unsubscribe to updates of the monkey mind/weekly bite?
How to make sure you get updates of the monkey mind, or how to stop receiving them.
Subscribing to the Monkey Mind
Subscribing is easy, just subscribe below, and the next update will arrive in your inbox automatically.
Do note, that when you subscribe you also get updates from the Weekly Bite. If you do not wish to receive updates from the Weekly Bite, check down below on how to change your subscription settings.
Unsubscribe from a newsletter or change your subscription settings
This newsletter platform (Substack) allows multiple “sections” to write content for different purposes, but you will need to take action for which newsletters you wish to receive updates for.
As a new subscriber, you’ll be subscribed to the following:
Weekly bite (weekly newsletter with a curation of interesting articles)
The weekly Bite (this is not a newsletter, just a way to keep an archive on all Weekly bite newsletters)
The Monkey Mind (newsletter with tips and tricks on productivity, note-taking, personal growth,…)
To change your preferences, go to https://weeklybite.substack.com/account and in the options select/deselect for which newsletter you wish to receive updates.